Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Feb. 1st - St. Brigid

Saints come in all colors, shapes and sizes. [Veggie Tales, I Can Be Your Friend] In all semblances, both fair and not. They also have very differing opinions about beer.

St. Brigid, one of Ireland's patron saints, was known for her spirituality, charity, and compassion. She was also known for her love of beer. On more than one occasion she is said to have changed water into beer on the scale of Jesus' wedding feast at Cana. She once said, "I should like a great lake of ale for the King of Kings. I should like the family of heaven to be drinking it through time eternal."

So tonight, let us raise our glasses to God most high and thank him for his saints down here, those examples of love, compassion, zeal for God, and love of beer.

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