Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 17: St. Patrick's Day (Wear Green!)

March 17: International Wear Green Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Make sure to wear green or else..

Maewyn, born around 415 AD, he was captured by marauders around his 16th birthday and sold into slavery in Ireland. For 6 years he tended his master's sheep before escaping to France. In his Confessio, St. Patrick recounts how God directed him to the ship and helped him receive passage out of Ireland. Once in France, he joined a monastery and changed his name to Patrick (meaning 'father-figure', which is where we get patron and patriarch). When he completed his studies, he asked to return to Ireland and convert the peoples there. He was assigned as bishop of the area and set out to convert the pagans. I am sure you can guess how that went...

St. Patrick is well known for his shamrock analogy for the trinity (3 separate leaves, but still one plant) as well as his prayer of, "Christ beside me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me."

  • Let us pray:
  • Almighty God, who in your providence chose your servant Patrick to be the apostle of the Irish people, to bring those who were wandering in darkness and error to the true light and knowledge of you: Grant us so to walk in that light, that we may come at last to the light of everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and ever.

  • Heartland, Celtic Thunder
  • When the storm is raging,
    And thunder rolls,
    Deliver us from the ocean
    Save our souls.

    A thiarna dean tracaire [Irish for "Lord have Mercy"]
    A chriost dean trocaire [Irish for "Christ have Mercy"]
    A thiarna dean trocaire
    A chriost dean trocaire

    When the winds are howling
    Vigil keep
    Shelter us and save us from the deep

    A thiarna dean tracaire
    A chriost dean trocaire
    A thiarna dean trocaire
    A chriost dean trocaire

    Thank you Lord you have brought us safe to shore
    Be our strength and protection evermore.

    A thiarna dean tracaire
    A chriost dean trocaire
    A thiarna dean trocaire
    A chriost dean trocaire

    Dean Trocaire
    Dean trocaire
    A thiarna

    A thiarna dean tracaire
    A chriost dean trocaire
    A thiarna dean trocaire
    A chriost dean trocaire

    A thiarna dean tracaire
    A chriost dean trocaire
    A thiarna dean trocaire
    A chriost dean trocaire
  • 1 comment:

    1. Good ole' Maewyn Succat. Hmm, must decide if I have enough time to watch Veggie Tales today and if I have access to it... good day, bro!
