Monday, March 14, 2011

March 15: Ides of March

March 14: Ides of March (Death of Julius Caesar)

On his way to the Theatre of Pompey, Caesar saw a seer who had foretold that harm would come to him not later than the Ides of March. Caesar joked, "Well, the Ides of March have come", to which the seer replied "Ay, they have come, but they are not gone." Later that day, Caesar was assassinated.

Today we remember overcoming and moving to a higher level. We should always be acting in an upward spiral. Moving closer to God, closer to perfection, closer to who we should be.

God, I'm down here on my knees
'Cause it's the last place left to fall
Beggin' for another chance
If there's any chance at all
That You might still be listenin'
Lovin' and forgivin' guys like me

I've spent my whole life
Gettin' it all wrong
And I sure could use Your help
'Cause from now on

I want to be a good man
A do like I should man
I want to be the kind of man
The mirror likes to see

I want to be a strong man
And admit that I was wrong man
God, I'm asking You to come change me
Into the man I want to be

The Man I Want To Be - Chris Young

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