Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April 13: Apollo 13 Explosion

"It was the thirteenth scheduled lunar space exploration mission, scheduled for liftoff at the thirteenth minute after the thirteenth hour. The Lunar landing was scheduled for the thirteenth day of the month. All it lacked was a Friday to be a paraskevidekatriaphobe’s worst nightmare. Unfortunately, no one at NASA was superstitious. "

On April 13, 1970, two days after launch, the idyllic words, "Houston, we've had a problem" were said.

The astronauts were instructed to stir their hydrogen and oxygen tanks. 98 seconds later, a loud bang was heard accompanied by fluctuations in power. Damaged shielding of the wires in the fan had caused a short circuit which lit the shielding material on fire. This fire increased the pressure in the oxygen tank, causing it to rupture. Facing limited water and power, carbon dioxide build up, and freezing temperatures, the astronauts survived only through ingenuity, perseverance, and faith, both in themselves as well as those on the ground.

In the end, NASA called the mission a "successful failure."

You feel like a candle in a hurricane
Just like a picture with a broken frame
Alone and helpless
Like you've lost your fight
But you'll be alright, you'll be alright

Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend, till you break
Cause its all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you've had enough
You get mad you get strong
Wipe your hands shake it off
Then you Stand, Then you stand

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